PILON calculator

ET4B’s FREE Pay in Lieu of Notice (PILON) calculator tool
ET4B is pleased to provide an online tool to assist in deciding the likely tax and NIC treatment of Pay in Lieu of Notice (PILON).


We believe this offering is the first of its kind in the UK, and are delighted to provide this PILON calculator tool online, and completely free of charge.

NB: The online tool works by asking a small number of questions, then emailing the results to you. This includes a summary of the likely PILON tax and NIC treatment plus reasoning, which is explained and is based on the scenario you have entered. To facilitate this, the tool asks for your own contact information, including your email address. However please rest assured that we treat any such information in confidence and will not pass this to any third party, nor contact you personally (unless you would like us to).

We trust you will be pleased with this innovative offering. However, we also recognise that these tax/NIC issues can be extremely complex and that no two situations are completely identical. Should you require confirmation of the calculator’s results, or more definitive advice, please contact us. Any initial consultation is completely free and without obligation. In any event we would be delighted to receive your comments and feedback in relation to the online calculator.